Conversation with Korakrit Arunanondchai

The Membrane Connecting All Things Visible

Online 19 January 2022

“The exhibition A Machine Boosting Energy into the Universe presents an immersive—even spiritual—cinematic experience, centred on Korakrit Arunanondchai’s video installation, Painting with history in a room filled with people with funny names 3 (2015–16) from the Singapore Art Museum collection. Join Korakrit Arunanondchai and Professor May Adadol Ingawanij in a discussion on rituals and their relationship with “media” and “cinema” in Southeast Asia. This talk is moderated by SAM curator Chanon Kenji Praepipatmongkol.” SAM Singapore Art Museum

SAW Dialogues 2022 Co-presented by SAM and Art & Market, Singapore Art Week

Summary of talk by Bryson, Art & Market.

SAW Dialogues 2022 co-presented by Art & Market and SAM Singapore Art Museum, Singapore Art Week